Saudi Arabia Discovers Seven New Oil And Natural Gas Deposits
Ladam unconventional oil field
The Ladam unconventional oil field was found when very light Arabian oil began flowed at a rate of 5,100 barrels per day from the Ladam-2 well. It was accompanied by approximately 4.9 million standard cubic feet of gas per day.
Flickr (Reference Image)
Al-Farouk unconventional oil field
The Al-Farouk unconventional oil field saw Arab ultra-light oil flowed from the Al-Farouk-4 well at a rate of 4,557 barrels per day, along with about 3.79 million standard cubic feet of gas per day.
Rawpixel (Reference Image)
Unayzah B/C reservoir in the Mazalij field
The Unayzah B/C reservoir in the Mazalij field was discovered after Arab Light oil flowed at a rate of 1,780 barrels per day from the Mazalij-62 well, along with around 0.7 million standard cubic feet of gas per day.
Pxhere (Reference Image)
Al-Jahaq field
The Al-Jahaq field was identified after natural gas flowed from the “Al-Arab-C” reservoir in the Al-Jahaq-1 well at a rate of 5.3 million standard cubic feet per day. Additionally, the “Al-Arab-D” reservoir in the same well yielded 1.1 million standard cubic feet of gas per day.
X/hpcl_retail (Reference Image)
Al-Katuf field
The Al-Katuf field was discovered when natural gas flowed into the Al-Katuf-1 well at a rate of 7.6 million standard cubic feet per day, accompanied by about 40 barrels per day of condensate.
X/SprinterFamily (Reference Image)
Hanifa reservoir in the Asikra field
The Hanifa reservoir In the Asikra field was identified after natural gas flowed in the Asikra-6 well at a rate of 4.9 million standard cubic feet per day.
X/IsmacilYuusuf (Reference Image)
Al-Fadhili reservoir in the Asikra field
The Al-Fadhili reservoir is also in the Asikra field. It produced 0.6 million standard cubic feet of gas per day, along with about 100 barrels of condensate per day.
Wikimedia Commons (Reference Image)
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