Saudi Arabia Discovers Seven New Oil And Natural Gas Deposits

2024/07/02 14:59:26 IST

Ladam unconventional oil field

    The Ladam unconventional oil field was found when very light Arabian oil began flowed at a rate of 5,100 barrels per day from the Ladam-2 well. It was accompanied by approximately 4.9 million standard cubic feet of gas per day.

Credit: Flickr (Reference Image)

Al-Farouk unconventional oil field

    The Al-Farouk unconventional oil field saw Arab ultra-light oil flowed from the Al-Farouk-4 well at a rate of 4,557 barrels per day, along with about 3.79 million standard cubic feet of gas per day.

Credit: Rawpixel (Reference Image)

Unayzah B/C reservoir in the Mazalij field

    The Unayzah B/C reservoir in the Mazalij field was discovered after Arab Light oil flowed at a rate of 1,780 barrels per day from the Mazalij-62 well, along with around 0.7 million standard cubic feet of gas per day.

Credit: Pxhere (Reference Image)

Al-Jahaq field

    The Al-Jahaq field was identified after natural gas flowed from the “Al-Arab-C” reservoir in the Al-Jahaq-1 well at a rate of 5.3 million standard cubic feet per day. Additionally, the “Al-Arab-D” reservoir in the same well yielded 1.1 million standard cubic feet of gas per day.

Credit: X/hpcl_retail (Reference Image)

Al-Katuf field

    The Al-Katuf field was discovered when natural gas flowed into the Al-Katuf-1 well at a rate of 7.6 million standard cubic feet per day, accompanied by about 40 barrels per day of condensate.

Credit: X/SprinterFamily (Reference Image)

Hanifa reservoir in the Asikra field

    The Hanifa reservoir In the Asikra field was identified after natural gas flowed in the Asikra-6 well at a rate of 4.9 million standard cubic feet per day.

Credit: X/IsmacilYuusuf (Reference Image)

Al-Fadhili reservoir in the Asikra field

    The Al-Fadhili reservoir is also in the Asikra field. It produced 0.6 million standard cubic feet of gas per day, along with about 100 barrels of condensate per day.

Credit: Wikimedia Commons (Reference Image)

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