New Delhi:The Delhi Cafe owner suicide case is witnessing more twists and turns every day. The recorded clip of the Cafe Owner Punit Khurana and his wife Manika Pahwa was buzzing in the internet yesterday in which the couple was arguing and blaming each other for a lot of issues including the Bakery.The Last Phone Call of Punit KhuranaThe recorded clip of the decesed and his wife was topping the internet and his was allegedly threatening and using foul language in the heated conversation.She was even heard saying, Beggar just do what you have been asked and Ill slap you if you come in front of me spo dons show me your face again.Mahika also accused Punits parents in the phone call and said, you and your family members are all the same. Ill show your family in court .This Delhi Cafe Owners case holds a lot of similarities with the Bengaluru Techie case who also committed suicide after leaving a long recorded video clip blaming his wife and in-laws for his death.Lets take a look at some of the similarities between Punit Khurana and Subhashs Case: Both Punit Khurana and Subhash accused their wives of mental torture and harrasment by in-laws and demanding more money.Like Subhash, Punit also left a long suicide note expressing their trauma and emotional torture they have been throughHow both of them felt helpless and alone thinking the legal system and the society is going to make their life and career hell since the law favours the women.Both Punit and Subhash lived in the fear of financial and mental unstabiity and didnt know where to see or how to get out of the trap.Both the incidents put a question mark in the legal system of our country which favours the women and takes ages in the court to come up with a fair judgement.