iPhone 16 display production kicks off soon; Key features revealed

The production of the iPhone 16 series displays is scheduled to start next month. Experts in display technology indicate that Apple will produce these displays in significant quantities.

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Apple is gearing up to commence the production of displays for its highly anticipated iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Pro models. Following the success of the iPhone 15 series, the tech giant plans to start manufacturing the displays next month, aiming for large-scale production.

Display Production to Start Soon

According to Ross Young, CEO of DSCC, a specialist in smartphone display chains, Apple is set to begin producing displays for the iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Pro. Both models are expected to enter mass production. Additionally, Ming-Chi Kuo, an analyst at TF Securities International, has suggested that the iPhone 16 Pro Max, slated for release this year, may boast a superior battery compared to its predecessor.

Leaked Dummy Units Reveal Larger Display

Chinese tipster Majin Bu recently leaked an image of the dummy units of the iPhone 16 Pro Max, highlighting the display size for the new series. The image indicates that the iPhone 16 Pro Max could feature a 6.9-inch display, an increase from the 6.7-inch display of the previous model. Notably, the iPhone 16 Pro Max was the best-selling smartphone globally in the first quarter of 2024.

Expansion of iPhone Production in India

Apple has significantly increased its iPhone production in India. Prime Minister Modi recently noted that every seventh iPhone sold worldwide is now manufactured in India. This surge in production has made India the second-largest mobile manufacturing country globally. The sales of Made in India iPhones have increased by 19 percent year-on-year, reaching record levels. This growth is largely attributed to the Indian Government's Production-Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme.

Introduction of AI Features with iOS 18

In a significant development for iPhone users, Apple plans to introduce iOS 18 next month. The new operating system will bring on-device AI capabilities to iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch. This update will mark the first time iOS users will have access to on-device AI features, which were previously exclusive to Android users. The upcoming iOS 18 is expected to enhance user experience by simplifying various tasks through advanced AI features.