Telangana News: In a dramatic turn of events, a woman from Manakondur, identified as Divyasri, narrowly escaped death after getting trapped under a truck near the outskirts of Singapur, Huzurabad. The incident occurred when the driver failed to notice her, and her desperate screams were the only thing that led him to stop the truck. The quick thinking and coordination of the locals, along with the intervention of Union Minister Bandi Sanjay, ensured her survival.The Terrifying IncidentDivyasri, while traveling, was involved in a horrific accident when she got caught under a truck. The driver was unaware of the situation until her cries for help prompted him to stop the vehicle. Realizing the gravity of the situation, bystanders immediately rushed to assist her, but the complexity of the situation demanded urgent and precise action to free her.Trapped under a truck, a woman named Divyasri from Manakondur, narrowly escaped death.Her screams made the driver to stop the lorry near Singapur outskirts, Huzurabad.Union Minister Bandi Sanjay, enroute Mulugu, offered assistance called for jacks and cutters, and…— Naveena (@TheNaveena) November 11, 2024Union Minister Bandi Sanjay Comes to the RescueAs fate would have it, Union Minister Bandi Sanjay was traveling through the area on his way to Mulugu when he heard about the incident. Upon learning of the womans plight, he promptly stopped and offered his assistance. Demonstrating remarkable composure and concern, the minister immediately called for the necessary tools, including jacks and cutters, to lift the truck and safely extricate Divyasri from underneath.In a heart-wrenching moment, the locals had to cut her hair to free her from the entangled position under the truck. Sanjay worked closely with the people of the community, coordinating their efforts to ensure the womans quick rescue.Divyasris Health and Medical AssistanceOnce safely freed, Divyasri was rushed to Lifeline Private Hospital in Karimnagar for immediate medical attention. The severity of her injuries is still under assessment, but reports indicate that her quick rescue likely saved her life. The communitys response, along with the intervention of Union Minister Bandi Sanjay, ensured that she received prompt care and attention.This close call highlights the importance of community support and swift response in times of crisis. The combined efforts of the locals, along with Union Minister Bandi Sanjays timely intervention, ensured that Divyasris life was saved despite the terrifying circumstances.