Bahia Emerald legal battles: The 752-pound Bahia Emerald is valued between $100 million and $925 million. From cluttered garages to hurricane survival, the Bahia Emerald's path has been anything but ordinary....
During his time on the run, the accused assumed a new identity and built a notorious reputation as a mafia figure on the Bihar-Nepal border, engaging in extensive smuggling activities. ...
The arrest of Neeta Chaudhary is also an indication of instances of a possibility that, there might be other police officers who could be involved. Neeta Chaudhary's arrest with a bootlegger for liquor possession in Gujarat is a cause of concern....
The emergence of these videos serves as stark evidence of the barbarity employed by the liquor mafia and underscores the urgency for a thorough investigation and decisive action....
According to reports, ASI Mahendra Bagri along with two other officers were on an operation in Naudhiya locality to apprehend a suspect. ...